A Happy Monologue About Unrequited Love

fault-in-our-stars-posterI love you. And I know that you don’t love me back. And that’s okay because I can’t make you love me. But, I am here with you and there is nobody or nowhere else I’d rather be. I may look back at this and feel stupid, but If I didn’t say what I am saying then I’ll live wondering what could’ve been… You were my first kiss, and I want you to be my last kiss. Your presence changes the molecules in my body in this weird way, that I have never felt with anyone before. It’s been five years since our first kiss and I have dated and kissed many boys; they made me happy and they made me sad… But then, I forget them. But you… You stay with me, even when you’re not present. You make all the sappy poetry and all those stupid love songs make sense. I can never imagine myself saying those ridiculous things to anyone but you. In fact, I want to say them to you. I want to stare deeply into your eyes and just lay there next to you forever. You make me go tinder; you were my sweetest kiss. I know this sounds really scary to you, but don’t worry, I’ll never pressure you or force myself into your life. I just wanted to say those things out loud to you and see what It feels like. It will probably hurt tomorrow and it may hurt for a while. But, I won’t regret it because you made me taste what love is and what’s it’s like to completely lose yourself in someone, and act like an idiot, and say idiotic things and it’s sweet and beautiful and dangerous and scary but, it makes me feel happy and free. And one day, I know I’ll share that with someone who will love me back and it will be sweet and beautiful too. So Whatever happens tomorrow, we’ve had today… Life is too short and I don’t wanna waste any passing moment without kissing you if I could. So come here and kiss me…”

– Unknown

“I’ll put your poison in my veins
They say the best love is insane”